Anne Coulter to speak at UW on April Fool's Day Eve

You're foolin', right?

I'm not. Anne Coulter is coming to University of Wyoming on March 31. I can barely stand the excitement.

If you're not a fan of Ms. Coulter's hate speech, there's a great way to contribute to LGBT causes in Wyoming. A new Facebook page is Ann Coulter's Homo Rainbow. She's said some nasty things about gays and lesbians. So, you can pledge a certain amount for every minute she speaks and the money will be split among these causes:

GetEqual WY

Their mission: GetEqual WY aims to empower the LGBTQ community and our allies to take action to demand full legal and social equality, and to hold accountable those who stand in the way.

Equality for All

Their mission: Equality for All is dedicated to the support of progressive policies in Wyoming and election of candidates who support moving Wyoming into the future. We believe in upholding Article 1, Section 2 of the Wyoming Constitution - "Equality of all: In their inherent right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all members of the human race are equal."

The Matthew Shepard Foundation

Their mission: The Matthew Shepard Foundation tries to raise awareness and promote human dignity for everyone by engaging schools, corporations, and individuals in dialogues. These dialogues take many forms; some are presentations, some are interactive seminars, and some are web-based. Ultimately, we try to cross boundaries between straight and gay in order to bring people together.

I pledged 25 cents a minute. My contribution will total $15 if she speaks for 90 minutes. There is a real threat that she will speak longer, which she should for the $20,000 fee. I'll take my chances.


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