UPLIFT holds 20th anniversary reception Nov. 16

It's been my privilege to serve on the board of UPLIFT since 1998. UPLIFT is the Wyoming affiliate of the National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health. I'll be representing the board at the National Federation's 21st annual conference in Atlanta next week.

UPLIFT's mission:
Encouraging success and stability for children and youth with or at risk of emotional, behavioral, learning, developmental, or physical disorders at home, school, and in the community.
UPLIFT staffers accompany families to school I.E.P. meetings and guide them through the mazes of state paperwork for extended treatment for mental health issues.

As a board member, I invite you to the 20th anniversary reception on Tuesday, Nov. 16, 5-7 p.m., at the Cole Elementary School Gym, 615 W. 9th St., Cheyenne. Enjoy food and beverages and learn about UPLIFT's services. This event is free and open to the public. It's a chance for us to thank those who have supported the organization since its inception in 1990.

As is the case with so many non-profit social services agencies, the UPLIFT budget is tight these days. Most of the funding comes from federal and state sources. Private funding, or unrestricted government funds, are hard to come by. So UPLIFT is embarking on a campaign to raise its profile and raise money -- all at the same time.

Go to the spiffy updated UPLIFT web site for more info.

And join us on Nov. 16.

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