Blowing in the Wyoming Wind: This year, read the Holy Book...ours AND theirs!

Pleased to see that Rodger McDaniel, voice of spirituality and tolerance in Cheyenne, has a new blog, Blowing in the Wyoming Wind. Today he blogs about a series of study sessions, "Major Themes of the Quran," which will be conducted each Saturday through March 19, 10:30 a.m.-noon, at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 3005 Thomes Ave. This is a partnership between the UU Church and the Southeast Wyoming Islamic Center. Also a partnership against ignorance. Go to:

Blowing in the Wyoming Wind: This year, read the Holy Book...ours AND theirs!: "“Say: We believe In God, and in what Has been revealed to us And what was revealed To Abraham, Ishmael; Isaac, Jacob, and the tribes, And in..."

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