Wyoming Democrats launch weekend with legislative reception at Deselms Fine Art in Cheyenne

Schmooze with legislators, contribute to a good cause and view fine art on Friday, Feb. 25, 6:30-8 p.m. at the Wyoming Democrats annual legislative reception at Deselms Fine Art. You can ask your Dem legislators for their first-hand experiences with some of the wacky Republican-sponsored bills that have come down the pike this year.

A $10 donation is requested.

FMI: 1-800-739-3367 or info@wyomingdemocrats.com

Deselms Fine Art is a great place for Democrats to meet. It's a place that invokes art and creativity and historic development and creative community, all solid progressive issues. Wyoming Democrats took a shellacking in the last election but it had nothing to do with the validity of the candidates and their platforms -- not to mention hard work. It was a surge of regressive politics funded by corporate money and Tea Party wackiness and Fox "News" scare tactics and a nationwide recession caused by Wall Street greed-mongers.

Now get out there Friday evening and have fun!

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