Dems gather in scary Casper to plan future

The population of Democrats in Natrona County will increase dramatically this weekend as the Central Committee of the Wyoming Democratic Party gathers April 29-30 in Casper. We hope that this influx of Progressives can influence the bad juju inflicted on the State Legislature this past year by Regressive Know Nothings from Natrona County. You know who I mean -- Gerald Gay, Kit Jennings, Bob Brechtel, etc. Get to know them now as they will return to Cheyenne in 2012 to promote their anti-gay, anti-worker, anti-Obama agendas. So, if you feel like attending, here's the info from Bill Luckett, executive director of the Wyoming Democratic Party:

The Central Committee of the Wyoming Democratic Party meets in Casper on Saturday, April 30, at Casper College, in the Sharon Nichols Auditorium in the McMurry Career Studies Building. 
Members of the Central Committee include county chairs, vice chairs, state committeemen and state committeewomen. But note that this meeting, like all of our meetings, is open to the public, AND we are going to focus heavily on training for county party leaders, so you may want to encourage others from your county who are not technically members of the Central Committee to attend. They’ll be most welcome. We also especially hope any members of the Legislature who are not technically members of the Central Committee will attend.

In addition to the training, the major orders of business will be to elect state party officers for the next two years and to approve our state party’s Delegate Selection Plan for the 2012 Democratic National Convention. 

The Leadership Group of the Wyoming Democratic Party will meet in Casper on the previous day, Friday, April 29, for a session on party strategy, as previously announced. That meeting is planned for 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday the 29th in the downstairs conference room of the Stratton Real Estate/Blue Cross Blue Shield building at 231 E. Midwest Ave., which is between Wolcott and Durbin streets just a half block south of 2nd Street. The Leadership Group and others who’ve indicated interest in attending will get further information on this session early next week.

E-mail Bill at

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