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  • ghostlines
    Apr 25, 02:26 PM
    Maybe I have a bit of tunnel vision but is simply storing location data of customers on THEIR own machines so wrong? I heard in some comments that this info could be used for caching purposes.

    If it's illegal to store location data unknowingly on my own machine then Apple has lost this case already. But I think not. I say prove that Apple did upload and use this location info. Otherwise Apple can simply claim they used it for caching or for a secret location based app they were planning on releasing for people to opt into.(:hint: for Apple's lawyers)

    If Apple loses this then I hope lawsuits follow for similar companies that also do such things. When you're on the top people like to bash for the smallest of things.

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  • DeVizardofOZ
    Aug 26, 03:32 AM
    ... what you, "a consumer", spends his hard-earned money for, you should expect a product with an acceptable life-span, period!

    Don't be too forgiving, when you get a lemon, whoever made it, just demand a replacement. Anything less means you get a fixed lemon, and probably waited for it days or weeks. It is unfortunate that manufacturers get away with murder, when you let them...

    Whatever we buy, we want the single engine plane NOT to stop in mid-air, the car to run, and the brakes to brake, the computer to compute, the harddrive to last, the battery not to melt, and the screen not to flicker, etc. etc.

    If this still happens it means the manufacturer, and those who should kick their butt in terms of QC, are simply not doing their job.

    I don't get paid if I don't do my job. Anyone out there who does not get my meaning???

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  • leumluath
    Aug 11, 11:56 AM
    isn't it about time you guys got in line with the rest of the world? GSM has more than 81% of the world market.

    ...the GSM providers' coverage area is inadequate. I need a phone that works most everywhere (in the US), not just along expressways and in major cities. Bad as it is, CDMA is the only practical option for those of us who travel.

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  • Iconoclysm
    Apr 19, 06:29 PM
    Alright, I was originally going to take Apple's side on this, since I could clearly see it looks a lot like iOS, but having looked at Samsung's F700, I don' think Apple has any right to sue..

    Although the Samsung F700 has very simple icons, Apple clearly has the same placement of icons, even looking at the bottom you find the four dock like icons..

    I'd say that Apple copied Samsung :P.. Honestly I'm not one to take sides just because I like Apple Products, I just think its wrong to sue since Samsung clearly had this type of UI first.. Apple has no right to sue..

    Which launched 6 months after the original iPhone...and was displayed in February of 2007 with an entirely different interface.

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  • puckhead193
    Nov 28, 08:17 PM
    well their not getting a dollar from my sale cause i don't plan on buying an ipod for a while :D :rolleyes:

    how many ipods does apple sell a year..times a crap load of money

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  • domness
    Apr 25, 02:14 PM
    I think this IS a privacy issue. That data could end up in the wrong hands. Does anyone store a text document on their iPhone with a list of their bank details and passwords? No, because it could end up in the wrong hands. So could this data that's being collected.

    This data shouldn't be recorded without permission, no matter what's being done with it.

    Location data == bank details and passwords? -- I think not.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 6, 03:27 AM
    This kind of thinking is truly lame, just buy a Dell and go for penis enlargement surgury with the money you saved. No one will know the difference.

    Not lame. Childish. I mean seriously. Is your (Generic your.) MBP any slower the day after they announce Core 2 MBPs? I swear to god it's almost as if people's lives are so incomplete that they need to feel special by having the top of the dog pile hardware. I received my MBP on Feb 21st at 10:30AM. Apple can do whatever they want. I'll still be enjoying my Mac at the same level I did on the 21st.

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  • EiriasEmrys
    Apr 25, 02:03 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The information is used to make your phone connect faster and to the best sources given your usual pattern of behavior. It is also used for forensic evidence against and for you in legal court.

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  • kresh
    Nov 28, 10:47 PM
    If this went into effect, I would have a defense in court when I downloaded the entire Universal Label Catalog (All Their Music) off the net. I would no longer buy anything from iTS that is Universal!

    Wow, is the Music label the same as the Movie label. I could get all the movies too (to play on my iPod)!

    I mean if the royalties are paid when the device is manufactured, there is no need for them to double dip and collect royalties again when I pay for content right? I think it would hold in court!

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  • Glen Quagmire
    Aug 6, 02:12 PM
    I have tried the vista Beta, and ran in via BootCamp, so no different hardware. Tiger is miles ahead of vista.
    Put simply: Tiger Works.... Vista Crashes and takes 2 years longer than tiger to do the same task.
    I don't care how it looks, i don't care about see-through windows. I want something that works. Tiger gives me that.... and i hope leopard makes it even better. Tiger is ahead of the competition, hopefully leopard will be further forward, beating Vista to where it should be... In a beige, boring box:D

    So, you're comparing a mature product (Tiger) to one that's still in beta and which by all accounts has plenty of outstanding issues before it's ever released (Vista)?

    Not the fairest of comparisons, is it? Perhaps we should compare the latest of the Leopard builds with the latest Vista build for a more valid comparison of the relative position of the two OSs?

    "Beige, boring box". Have you seen some of the hideous case designs that PC companies come out with? Not beige and far from boring (in a bad way). Apple's industrial design and grasp of asthetics and ergonomics is light years ahead.

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  • sjo
    Aug 11, 04:03 PM
    That may be, but I highly doubt every infant, elderly folks, and the poverty stricken all have cell phones. If that's the case, then I'd have to say that there are a lot of people who's financial priorities are kinda messed.

    No, not really. You see, mobile phone is cheaper to use than landline in many countries, especially for mobile to mobile calls. And when everyone else has a mobile phone, if you want to be connected you're better off buying a mobile.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 6, 11:06 AM
    You obviously don't know how powerful SB actually is compared to C2D

    I think he didnt see the mention of their turbo (auto OC) speed of 2.3Ghz.

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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 19, 01:58 AM (

    AppleInsider expects that Apple will update its complete laptop line ( (13" MacBook and 15/17" MacBook Pros) to Core 2 Duo "Merom" before the holiday shopping season starts in late November.
    Oh, really? What are they going to predict next, that the sun will rise tomorrow? Of course Merom-based products will replace their Yonah counterparts, which are slower, have inferior power management, and in some cases, cost more! I don't know if I could have predicted that. :rolleyes:
    MacShrine and MacOSXRumors expect the MacBook Pro to be updated[/url] at Apple's September 25th event preceding Photokina. AppleInsider is unsure whether the updated MacBook will be unveiled at that event or be held off to ensure adequate supply of Intel's Core 2 Duo Merom chip.
    Gee, AppleInsider really went out on a limb on that one. ;)
    Apple's reliability? Care to elaborate more specifically? Good high quality well designed never dying logic boards that run at 40-ish degrees Celsius for one? :p
    Check out the surveys of tens of thousands of computer users at Consumer Reports. Apple's laptop reliability is within 1% of the best in the industry, and in the desktop department, Apple is by far the most reliable; some PCs are nearly twice as likely to need repairs as Macs. Rumor sites are hardly the best place to look for computer reliability data...

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 18, 03:31 PM
    Thats showing that the quad core Mac Pro is essentially the same speed as dual core Mac Pro. To translate it to normal mac scenario: If apple releases a 2.66GHz Conroe iMac/Mac/whathaveyou it will be able to crunch through FCP/Photoshop/etc faster than a Mac Pro because it can use regular DDR2 and won't suffer from horrendous memory latency.

    It only shows that one company can expect to get massive complaints from its customers soon about its crappy software. An H.264 encoder can easily use two dozen cores if they are there (apart from the fact that it might be limited by the speed of the DVD drive if you encode straight from DVD); there is no reason at all why this software shouldn't be twice as fast on a Quad core and four times as fast on an eight core machine.

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Apr 10, 07:41 PM
    There is a part of me that hopes Apple screws up and dumbs down FCS. This is the only remaining software that keeps me buying expensive Macs. If they turn FCS into a glorified iApp, then I'm dumping my Mac's and moving on to a build your own PC where I can run Linux and all of the industry standard professional apps.

    I think that with this new release of FinalCut, Apple is going to shove a dagger into it's professional line. In the last keynote, Jobs mentioned the "transition from a post-PC" business model. The only way that Apple can devote itself exclusively to iStuff is to wean the professional's away from using their products. Once FCS becomes a new video editing program aimed more for the masses running on iPads, Apple will be able to say that they don't have a need for the pro line of computers anymore. Say goodbye to MacPro anything.

    Whatever Apple announces Tuesday is going to be a strong indicator for the future of the professional line. If they announce an amazing FCS 4 for professionals, then we will know they are committed to the long run. However, if they turn FinalCut into some kind of cheesy video editing app for the mass consumer, then you better start rethinking your professional future with Apple - unless you make your money from making crappy youtube videos.

    So munch elitism there it's dripping off my screen. Your post is funny b/c when FCP 1.0 was announced the many of "pro" editors of the time gasped b/c it, well, "dumbed down" editing, similar to how Pagemaker 1.0 dumbed down publishing.

    What Apple does best, what it's always done best, is define new paradigms. It sounds like that is what may happen on Tues. Clearly, for all your snobbery, you are a horse and buggy driver and not a buyer into the Model T thing. Enjoy your Linux, but physical media is still dying, nonetheless. Editing for the web needs a new set of editing tools. YouTube has a lot of professionally edited material. It's not all cell phone clips.

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  • sampdoria
    Jun 14, 01:57 PM
    What day? Tomorrow, Tuesday or Thursday?

    Pre-order at Radio Shack tomorrow June 15th as early as they open.

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  • GregAndonian
    Apr 11, 04:22 AM
    Mr Jobs had good sense of keeping his fingers out of Pixar

    ...which is why their movies look INCREDIBLE on Blu-ray. :p :D

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  • THX1139
    Aug 19, 07:34 PM
    ... For anyone out there who has been needlessly influenced by this guy to wait for a system that will only be outdated by the one that will come after it, please uninfluence yourself, and buy the stupid computer that you want, when you want it.


    I agree. I'm noticing a trend. People who are looking at the Macpro in a negative way come in three flavors. The first type are invested in G5 (especially quad) and are desperately trying justify that their investment is sound, when they actually desire a Macpro. They can feel better about their old machines by making the new ones seem bad. The are almost "smug" about waiting until a better one comes out. The second flavor are people who hate the Mac culture and are pissed that the Mac is catching up to the windows workstation sector. The third type are people who can't afford a Macpro and go out of their way to publicly discredit the machine so that they can feel good about their iMacs or Minis. There are others, but you get the point.

    I also find it amusing when I see posters participating in Macpro discussions when they have publicly stated that they have no intention of buying a Macpro. WTF?? Don't they have a life outside of macrumors? If I owned a G5 Quad and had no intention of buying a Macpro, I'd be spending all of my spare time doing cool stuff with my machine... instead of wasting that time participating in discussions that have nothing to do with me. I might read though some of the threads now and then, just to keep up with technology - but to particpate and debate, what a waste. I guess some folks have no life.

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  • iCrizzo
    Mar 26, 10:55 AM
    Bring on full screen!! :apple:

    Mar 31, 03:49 PM
    This is the right move for Google as Android has become a cluster...

    That being said it does go directly against how they have built android up, and how they have pitched it to businesses and consumers alike. This is a very significant change.

    I think this actually opens the window for Microsoft and their mobile OS now. It is not free, but now it becomes a legitimate option compared to Android for all handset makers outside of Apple and perhaps HP if they ever make handsets.

    It is funny one of the first things some people here would say when Android was brought up is "It is open!". You can hem and haw all you want, but for all intents and purposes it is no longer open. Google signing off on all changes and them having no timetable for releasing Honeycomb source code is not open in any way shape or form.

    Aug 7, 03:28 PM
    Did anyone see the nifty link in the iCal page that is supposed to direct to calDAV standards page but insted linked to whicdh has a beautiful picture of a 1948 Chrysler? Didn't take them long to find that one.

    Overall looks good, and I could really use the iCal sharing, but Spring? Come on!

    Sep 19, 07:51 AM
    Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'd of thought buying the latest and fastest computer every year would be the first thing a 'pro-user' would do with his money.

    I can't speak for everyone, but there are a few considerations apart from speed:
    - the available funds
    - the ability to deduct the purchase from taxes
    - having to reinstall everything on the new computer

    Speed is nice, but when a two year old laptop is mostly fast enough (in my case), then why buy a new one after only a year?

    I usually buy a new laptop about every two years. This is a relatively nice trade off between my desire to have the latest of everything and actually getting any work done.

    Apr 6, 03:55 PM
    It seems nobody learned from Apple's iPhone debacle:

    "Hahaha, look at Android they only ship 1/10 of iPhones!!!" - 12 months later: "Uh, ok, Android outsells iOS 3:1 but Apple only ships 1 phone!!!!"

    Now with tablets:

    "Hahaha, look at the Android tablets, they only ship 1/10 of iPads." - 12 months later: Well you know...

    Mar 31, 03:20 PM
    This is a smart move. It had to happen sooner or later.

    John Gruber would eat Steve Job's ***** if he could. His opinion is extremely biased.

    Yet what he said is 100% accurate..Weird how that can happen sometimes.

    Except... he's right. This was a bait-and-switch from Google. I don't think it was a bad move for the future of the platform, but it does render a lot of their PR commentary through history as bogus. As for Gruber, you clearly don't like him, but while he is certainly a fan of Apple he is usually correct.

    Despite what the fandroids think, the Android Ecosystem is in a world of hurt. Fragmentation is a much bigger problem then even Jobs said and they have almost no market at all for paid applications today. They will continue to dominate the worthless bottom of the market and nothing else if they do not do something to reign in these manufacturers.

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