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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Mar 31, 02:47 PM
    If Apple FAD goes away, where will Google copy from next?

    You are delusional if you think Google is not building upon the Apple FAD.

    What the heck are you talking about. Google is building upon the technology. Apple did a great job advancing the technology which pushed everyone else to do the same. Its called competition its been happening for years and in every industry.

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  • Koufax80
    Apr 25, 02:41 PM
    Damnit! I just looked outside and saw Steve Jobs with a clipboard... Apple must have sent him to track my location since I turned my phone off...

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  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Sep 18, 11:13 PM
    Let the "free market" decide? Oh wait, I forgot, for Macs there is no free market, it is basically a monopoly.

    Yeah. I keep on thinking of going for a Thinkpad, but every time I think to how hooked I am on OS X, I can't do it. But I refuse to pay good money for now "outdated" hardware in a flagship notebook computer line. Ridiculous.

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  • Vegasman
    Apr 27, 08:57 AM
    Ah, I see. I wasn't checking the WSJ, only Macrumors.

    Woah! That's a scrary thought. ;)

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  • DennisVR
    Apr 27, 08:08 AM
    I don't understand all the commotion. If Steve wants to know where i'm hanging around in the weekend, he can :rolleyes:

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  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 01:16 PM

    'lets make a tablet for our business users, to get serious workloads done. we can call it the playbook'.
    i didn't know charlie sheen was in charge of their team?

    If you watch and listen to Rim's co-leaders, you see the resemblance to Charlie Sheen. I'm all for company's fluffing their feathers and believing in the products they market and sell, but these guys come off as being sooo Charlie Sheen. Their grasp of reality is lacking to the point of making them sound ridiculous. I'm surprised investors don't punish them more for this - but of course many Wall Streeters still use BB's, so it makes sense.

    Change is tough for lots of people and companies - which keeps Rim going and will at the same time be the death of them.

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  • gnasher729
    Aug 17, 12:59 PM
    The interesting thing to note from the Anandtech review is that to saturate a 2 core setup, all you need is one program. To saturate a quad, you need to be doing a bit more at the same time. To saturate an octo, you need to be doing a hell of a lot of things at the same time.

    No, you only need software that doesn't think multiple processors = two processors. Early versions of Handbrake used only two processors, new version uses four. Photoshop will use as many processors as there are. Other applications will follow.

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  • thunderclap
    Apr 8, 06:55 AM
    Isn't this hypocritical since Apple has been known to do this in their retail stores too?

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 19, 01:34 PM
    I'm sure quite sure what Apple hopes to accomplish here. Every smart phone steals from every other one. I don't know if you can differentiate design "concepts". It's like suing someone because the chords for his blues song goes in a 1-4-5 pattern like yours does. It's just part of the genre.


    You failed to read the blog. Wanna try again?

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  • Prom1
    Aug 7, 06:52 PM
    Excellent SHOW Apple EXCELLENT!

    I think I just creamed my shorts.

    THATS the last straw NO MORE EXCUSES for not owning a MAC FULL Out.
    the piggy bank is now gonna be frugal!

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  • Silentwave
    Aug 26, 04:48 PM
    You're screwing up, intel. We don't want 300 trillion transistors on a 1 nm die. We want longer battery life. Idiots.

    But there's no die size change here....

    and doesn't transitioning to a smaller process usually mean improvements in that department anyways?

    Next die change is the 45nm Intel Core Microarchitecture "Penryn" core for mobile- mid-2007 or thereabouts.

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  • chatin
    Aug 18, 08:13 PM
    okay, it seems to be a RAM bottleneck. I had ordered a couple of 2 gig chips from apple cause I didn't mind paying the penalty now in order not to have to sell 1 gig'ers later on.

    anyway, I'm on the phone now, getting standard RAM configuration, then I'm just going to to with OtherWorld's RAM.

    I wish Apple had gotten their RAM supplies in order before they started shipping. Well, what can you do.

    I purchased Kingston PC2 5300 FB for my Mac Pro from New Egg. They seemed to have the best price and some Mac friendly reviews.

    My Pro now starts 10.4.7 in less than 5 seconds!

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  • deedas
    Apr 6, 02:10 PM
    I didn't go through all the pages of replies, but in case some one hasn't corrected them yet, the bus speed of the 13" is 1066mhz.

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  • mcgillmaine
    Jun 23, 01:48 PM
    Now the two stores that were getting phones are saying they haven't got any in yet. so i'm going to pass on RS. Maybe i'll just trade my old phone for a case or something else.

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  • illegalprelude
    Aug 25, 04:06 PM
    So far, i havent been the happiest camper with Apple's support. Having Apple Care on my PowerMac G5, I can tell you I got more of a run-around then any other time ive needed service on a unit. It started with Apple sending me to an Authorised Repair center to replace my Ethernet Card (so the entire logic board had to go, this story btw dates back to xmas) and from there on, my unit with Kurnil Panic all the time, i mean 7 times a day. 2 or 3 random programs opening and back, complete lock up with a full shut down needed.

    I had to of course drag my PowerMac 30 miles everytime, drag it to a store (6 times over all before they took care of the problem and dragging a PM through the mall, it gets heavy real fast) and they then blamed it on everytime from "heat" to my "battery backup" to "envirmental issues" to "external HDD". Just every single BS they could think of because all these devices for 2 years prior worked just fine but now they suddenly wanna glitch up? come on now. Finally, finally, 6 visits, 2 calls to AppleCare and a month and a half later did they replace my LogicBoard and processor and find one or both of those to be the problem. Sorry but this is what I get for buying a Pro consumer computer, .Mac service and AppleCare :mad:

    Im not saying other units dont have problems. Everything does but it sure as hell seems like from the 1st time the MacBooks hit out, we have seen an uprise in problems from heat, to freezing, to failed drives etc.

    Im sure ill get alot of "pro apple kool-aid drinker" attacks from this but this dosent make me any less of an Apple enthusiest or whatever but I work hard for my money and I demand the same quality and service from Apple as I do from any other company. Clear Example iMikeT

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  • ImAlwaysRight
    Sep 13, 09:01 AM
    Great news. I can't afford nor do I need that much power, but great to see it can be done.

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  • Huntn
    Mar 18, 08:59 PM
    Back in Ron Paul warned us about Barack Obama and the fact that his foreign policy would almost certainly essentially mirror that of the Democrats and Neo-Cons for the past 60 years.

    I am very unhappy that Obama did not get us out of a state of War. Which pacifist do you plan on voting for this next time around?

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 27, 06:55 PM
    +BT Mighty Mouse (x2)
    BT Keyboard
    Some sort of bag for the MBP
    D-Link USB Bluetooth drive

    *Crosses fingers*

    I just bought this today at my local Apple Store in anticipation of receiving my new 2.33mhz MBP 17".
    I'm a 36 year old man and I still use backpacks instead of briefcases. :cool: When will I ever grow up? :)

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  • Manic Mouse
    Aug 27, 04:54 AM
    Yup, heat is no problem. :) Cost on the other hand is. Going from a 2.4 GHz Conroe from a 1.83 GHz Yonah on the low-end is roughly a 30% increase in cost JUST for the CPU. As for your "iMac Ultra"...

    $1000 - 2.93 GHz Conroe
    $800 - 23" Display
    $300 - X1900
    $400 - Hard Drive, Optical Drive, RAM etc.
    + Build costs, marketing costs, logic board cost, casing costs etc.
    + Apple's profit margin

    And you are easily looking at a $3000 machine.

    I want to see:

    Apr 20, 03:45 PM
    I noticed that the HTC and Samsung cases only share just one patent: the bounce-back one.

    And the Samsung adds many trademark and state law unfair competition claims.

    Arguing that they're the same because Apple will lose them both is bootstrapping.

    Dec 7, 10:35 AM
    Anyone know where to get a fast car? My level isn't enough for the good ones in store (only 21 atm, need 23) but all my opponents have +900hp ~700kg cars so my 840hp Lambo just doesn't cut it anymore. Have around 1.8m cash plus 40 cars so money isn't an issue but I just can't find any :(

    Corvette ZR1 with Racing Mod. Tune it to max (but get the racing mod and oil change first thing) and you have a 905HP full on racing car for about 600,000cr

    In setting makes sure to give it the Maximum amount of Downforce you can, and turn down the accelerator and torque in the LSD, so it's a little easier to control the power.

    And Soft Slicks are a must as well.

    Here is a pretty good tune ( for the ZR1

    Apr 5, 05:22 PM
    Not again..

    NAB is for broadcast professionals - its doubtful there will be computer releases here.

    I've been to NAB and your statement could not be further from the truth. The FCPUG super meet is the perfect event to launch FCP. It's the largest global gathering of FCP power users.

    Sep 13, 11:55 AM
    Lets not forget things like Spotlight that can now run more rigorously without affecting CPU resource much. You will get more intelligent software that can prepare for what you want to do so that when you go to do it it will be much more responsive. In other words just because some tasks cannot be easily broken up to leverage multiple cores doesn't mean that tasks such as those cannot be speculative run by software on idle cores in preparation for you doing the task.

    Yes, that's definitely true. And I'd be happy to divert a whole core just to frickin WindowServer. :D

    Nov 28, 10:56 PM
    Here is another little tid bit about Universal Music you may not be aware of. The original was bought out by Universal Music a few years back. Prior to Universal, was privately owned and had music from thousands of indie artist from around the world and no major label artist. You could listen to the artist music for free, but you could also purchase their music for download or actual CD. There was a lot of really awful music there but there was a lot of very good music there also. Some unsigned artist sold thousands of CD around the world like my band. After Universal bought they destroyed the catalog even though the original owner offered to purchase it. Economics would lead me to think that Universal believed that the millions of indie songs sold on was a direct threat to them not meeting their year over year projections, and it was. Get rid of the competition and get money for nothing.........sounds like big business trying to please their share holders. It is no wonder that our culture is going to hel#, when fair play and morals give way to profits. And yes most labels are pimps and you know who their hoes are.......our favorite artists. I hope Apple does not cave to this type of extortion!!!

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