Next up on the Republican/Tea Party agenda: secession

From the Casper Star-Tribune:

All three members of Wyoming’s congressional delegation have signed on as co-sponsors to a proposed constitutional amendment allowing states to veto federal laws and regulations they dislike.

Sponsored by U.S. Sen. Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., and U.S. Rep. Rob Bishop, R-Utah, the proposal states that any federal law or regulation would be repealed if two-thirds of the states — or 34 states — vote against it, according to an op-ed by Bishop published by The Daily Caller, a conservative news web site.

If the two-thirds majority is reached, the law or regulation would then be sent back to Congress, which could vote to override the repeal and pass it in finality, according to Bishop’s op-ed.

U.S. Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., and U.S. Rep. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., will be co-sponsors of the legislation, according to spokeswomen for the two lawmakers.

“I am fighting to return to the rightful owner — the states and the individuals — the power that the federal government has grabbed,” Lummis said in a media release Wednesday. “That is what our founders envisioned, what our Constitution requires and what the people of Wyoming demand.”

Though the idea has been championed by many within the conservative tea party movement, Bishop said the check would appeal equally to Republicans and Democrats.

“It is not a partisan issue,” he stated in the op-ed.

However, Wyoming Democratic Party Executive Director Bill Luckett called the bill “disturbing” and “nothing short of an attack upon the very heart of our Union.”

“It’s sad for Wyoming that both of our U.S. Senators are so caught up in anti-government tea party hysteria that they are endorsing a piece of legislation that would dismantle the Union our Founding Fathers created,” Luckett said in an email.

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