Bob LeResche: "Wyoming needs to raise mineral royalty rates"

A good column by Clearmont, Wyo., rancher Bob LeResche about mineral royalty rates in Wyoming. It's not a subject I know much about so appreciate the insight by a man who was Alaska's Commissioner of Natural Resources from 1976-81, during which time he rewrote that state’s oil and gas leasing statutes and engineered many successful lease sales. Here's a snippet:
Wyoming is known throughout industry as a pushover when it comes to regulating and permitting exploration and production. CBM producers are allowed almost unfettered pollution rights to discharge produced water — and everybody knows it. Eminent domain takings by industry for pipelines and powerlines are easy in our state. We join industry to fight federal attempts to enforce the Clean Water Act, the Clean Drinking Water Act, the Air Quality Act, and the Endangered Species Act when they affect the energy industry. Wyoming collaborates with industry to fight Montana’s water quality rules. Our environmental and permitting policies are worth many millions to industry. We should not add to our largess by charging below-market royalties.
Read the rest on the CST web site

A shame that the State of Wyoming is so cozy with the energy industry that it works against itself and its own citizens. 

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