Photos from 6/25/11 meeting of the Laramie County Democrats

Here I am at Monday's Laramie County Democratic Party meeting explaining (choose one in comments below) 1)  the length of the fish I caught at Seminoe Reservoir the previous weekend; 2)  the span of Michelle Bachmann's nose after she told her latest whopper; 3) the vast chasm (with one millimeter representing a billion dollars) between the richest 2 percent and the rest of us; 4) the vast amount of fun I had at Netroots Nation 11; 5)  I forget.
A very lively gathering of Laramie County Democrats at Monday's meeting at the IBEW Union Hall in Cheyenne.  Pictured (l to r): Misty Heil, mom and education activist; Lori Brand, attorney and firebrand; Mike Shay, writer and activist; Sen. Floyd Esquibel, one of the brave Wyoming Progressive 14 in the state legislature; WY Conservation Voters E.D. Kate McMorrow Wright, and Wendy Soto, head of the Laramie County Grassroots Coalition. Both photos by Bryon Lee, Organizing for American-Wyoming.

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