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  • lp2007
    11-01 05:31 PM
    I think she should not have any problem with her future visits.

    My mother visits every year and spends 6 months with us since the last 6 yrs and never had an issue. She extended her stay one time.

    One of my friends mother was given a 3 month stamp one yr during b'coz she had extended her previous visit and stayed 3 months already in the same year. So the officer told her she could only stay for 6 months in any given yr, but later she extended and stayed longer and has visited US 2 times after that without any issues.

    USCIS takes between 6 weeks to <nn> weeks to process the request.

    One important thing you want to take care is, U need to send original i-94 card while requesting extension of stay and when u leave i-94 has to be returned at the airport. If your mom-in-law leaves before the application is approved, you want to be sure to save the extention documnets and mail the i-94 card back. And make sure to carry the extension approvals next time she travels so there is no confusion about unauthorized over stay. This happened with my mom. We received her approval after she had already left. So I mailed her approval to her prior to her next visit and she was fine.

    I hope this helps.

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  • leoindiano
    06-29 09:28 AM
    Lawyer said they filed on 21st and waiting on the decision. Hope my application is not effected.

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  • TeddyKoochu
    06-25 04:42 PM
    If you look at the typical client letter RFE they normally state that your comapny is in consulting practice. So if your comapny's product development practice is big then try to file the new H1 with a detailed covering letter which detail both comapany practices stating that you will however work in product development. For your specific project try to have project plans or MPP showing your role as part of your petition details over the project duration. All the very best.

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  • immigrant-in-law
    04-04 11:59 AM
    Apologies first. Could not find a link to start a new thread but what I am mentioning below has a direct bearing on people planning/trying for H1 transfers.

    Is there a requirement now that an H1 transfer petition must be submitted along with a copy of the company's contract with its client and a copy of the workorder issued by the client, in the canndidate's name?
    We are faced with this situation now that we are effecting a candidate's H1 transfer. Our attorney wants these documents. We have also been told that the H1 extension will be granted only till the expiration of the client work order. So if it is a 6 month position, the H1 transfer would be granted for 6 months only. Fortunately in our case it is a much longer assignment.

    Has anyone of you encountered this situation or heard about it? If true, does it not mean the end of H1 transfer as we have known it?



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  • rsdang
    07-08 04:41 PM
    Spouse will have to be in relation for 3 years even after getting GC. Or else upon request, GC of the spouse can be revoked by USCIS.

    I asked my company immigration specialist and she said since its an EB GC - the three year stipulation is not valid... Thats for family based GC...

    You may want to ask a lawyer...

    Hope This helps.

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  • BPforGC
    05-12 04:29 PM
    Had they not wasted all those VISAs in the past due to their inefficiency, there wouldn't be this much backlog. If they have reallocated all the unused VISAs at the end of each fiscal year to the over subscribed countries, there wouldn't be this big problem.

    This backlog was created by incompetent leadership at USCIS and lack of vision in the congress. Politics and bureaucracy rule the immigration, not logic or the interests of the country.

    God help us. Given the poor economy since last year and lots of RFEs and strict PERM audits, in coming years, the demand for GCs will go away. Things should stabilize and we should see some significant movement to the EB2 by end of this year. EB3 is more tricky since many countries are over subscribed compare to EB2, where India and china are the primary over subscribers.

    Recapture bill should put an end to this retrogression and if the CIR and strict criteria goes into effect, this will make EB1 and EB2 qualification all the more difficult in future. Not bright days ahead for immigrants in this country.


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  • vjkypally
    11-14 09:16 AM

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  • GCBy3000
    09-15 05:03 PM
    My argument is it better to take a side on immigration issue or not. Maintaining status quo is better than including some releif for legal immigrants. I bet people in US like legal immigrants to legal immigrants, but how many people is ?. Will this favor any politicians to garner some votes or will it back fire? No one knows and that is why I said at this time of election period, it is better for them to maintain status quo than favoring legal immigrants.

    If they pass something for legal immigrants for sure they are going to lose some votes who are favoring illegal immigrants which is bigger number than people favoring legals. So I dont think they will take a risk at this time to favor legal immigrants in any bills if at all there is one before the election.

    I am not sure if this is entirely true. Yes we can't vote but folks who are pro-immigrant can and they will decide if legal immigration is good for this country or not. Trust me, if everyone was against legal immigration in this country then none of us would be here in the first place. Everyone knows that there is a shortage of labor and migrants are needed to fill the jobs. ............


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  • chanduv23
    09-14 03:23 PM
    He is the best - I am at work - but will listen to the radio.

    Way to go logiclife - we are with you

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  • Macaca
    02-23 01:25 PM
    This issue was discussed in 2 other threds in the last 2 months. I don't remember the name of the threads. Please search.

    The status of I-140 application may be important. Out of state tution may depend on the state.


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  • rameshk75
    01-09 03:24 PM
    NSC is processing 140's filed on or before Apr 6,2007 - Once the processing dates shows your filing date, on 31st day, you can ask your employer to open a service request. NSC respond to your SR within 45 days. Hope this helps.

    I don't think the dates for NSC is on or before Apr 6, 2007.

    My 140 details:
    RD: Apr 30,2007
    Approved on May 03,2007
    Regular Processing


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  • ca_immigrant
    12-19 07:32 PM
    This is Pat B 's broken record. He has lost all his credibility during all these years of immigrant bashing. He can write as many of them but other than red necks, no one is impressed. He is 71 years old and in couple years he will be gone. Old age brings some mental issues with it.

    ...lol......old age brings some mental issues....I like that ;)

    take it easy folks....just ignore what Pat B@#$#@% wrote.......
    only a jacka** (who probably does not want to work hard) like Pat would be worried about loosing his job to others.....


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  • skd
    07-08 10:51 PM
    nice job

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  • ajay_hyd
    02-08 12:53 PM
    If its been more than 180 days since your 140 was approved, can you not use AC21 to move to a new job (similar). even if the old company revokes the 140, you will get RFE/NOID and you can reply back in specified time.

    correct me if i am wrong.


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  • gcwait2007
    07-23 12:28 AM
    For Labor substitution cases, is there premium processing for I-140? Earlier, USCIS announced that from 05/18/2007 to 07/16/2007, it was stopping premium processing for Labor substitution cases. Any change now?

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  • akhilmahajan
    09-14 03:22 PM
    Please if you at home and can listen to it that will be great. Is there a way to record it up?

    Being at work cant listen to it. I would have loved to listen to a dedicated and devoted personality.



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  • reddog
    03-12 11:02 AM
    wow, you sanju, definitely have to chill out.
    you are definitely borderline clinical.

    and i aint attacking you, but your reply to the 'Clear two years of backlog' rings in my head when I see your name.
    Yes you quickly rescinded the post(i would call it a rant), but after mr. pappu made a stern warning.

    Here is another one

    I decide to clean off the front patio. I start to the patio and notice mail on the desk that needs to be taken down to the Post Office. OK, I'm going to the Post Office . . .

    BUT FIRST I'm going to go through the mail that was delivered. I lay the car keys down on desk. After discarding the junk mail, I notice the trash can is full. OK, I'll just put the bills on my desk . . .

    BUT FIRST I'll take the trash out. But since I'm going to be near the mailbox, I'll address a few bills . . . Yes, Now where is the checkbook? Oops.. there's only one check left. Where did I put the extra checks? Oh, there is my empty coffee cup from last night on my desk. I'm going to look for those checks . . .

    BUT FIRST I need to put the cup back in the kitchen. I start to head for the kitchen and look out at my balcony, notice the flowers need a drink of water because of the extreme heat. I put the cup on the counter and there's my extra pair of glasses on the kitchen counter.

    What are they doing here? I'll just put them away . . .

    BUT FIRST need to water those plants. I head for the door and . . .

    Aaaagh!!! Someone left the TV remote on the wrong spot. Okay, I'll put the remote away and water the plants on my balcony . . .

    BUT FIRST I need to find those checks.

    END OF DAY: The patio has not been cleaned, bills still unpaid, cup still on the counter, checkbook still has only one check left, lost my car keys . . .

    And, when I try to figure out how come nothing got done today, I'm baffled because . . .


    I realize this condition is serious . . .

    I'd get help . . .

    BUT FIRST . . . I think I'll start a new thread.

    Fool its not me, its the AAADD I was recently diagnosed with.


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  • gulute
    03-16 06:31 PM
    why is it denied?


    My wife's H4 visa got denied and her I94 got expired. Can she stay for 30 days if so will she be having any problem while coming back with valid status?

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  • BharatPremi
    04-16 04:42 PM
    kaisersose, scorpioduo


    05-16 08:17 AM
    May I know if H1 transfer has any affect on parent�s arrival during the transfer? I sponsored their visa using company A's employment letters and they have a valid visa. Do I need to get a letter from my new employer to avoid issues at POE? At the time of parent�s arrival, I would be working for company A, but by the time they return, I will be switching to company B and moving to a different city. My H1 transfer is already in process.

    04-02 01:02 PM
    Both Labors/I-140s were in EB2. Now the RFE was due to 3 year degree , USCIS argued that they will not accept my NIIT diploma towards a 4 year degree althougth all other times they did. .....

    Three things here -
    1. For eb-2, bachelor degree must be "single degree" and not a combination.
    2. NIIT is not a recognized diploma in India and therefore has no value.
    3. For eb-3 also, your labor MUST be worded in a way to allow combination of degrees. In that case also, NIIT diploma can not be used.

    Even if NIIT diploma was recognized, you would have issues since NNIT diploma is not "post bachelor" but done "along with" bachelor degree. So it can't be combined.

    You should consider discussing with your attorney the option of filing labor for "eb3 skilled labor" with associate degree requirement.

    Not a legal advice.

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