UPDATE: Wyoming Progressives -- you may be alone!

My previous post was all about the Wide, Wide World of Online Progressives. I wanted to reassure my fellow Wyoming Liberals/Democrats/Progressives that there is an ever-widening online world at our disposal and that we all should make haste to use it.

Global Internet resources are one thing. But what about Wyoming online resources? What about resources on the ground for our far-flung folks in Crook and Big Horn counties?

I talked yesterday about some fine prog resources that focus on Wyoming issues and dilemmas. You can see many of them on the blog feed on the right sidebar. I invite other progressive bloggers who post regularly to drop me a line and I will happily add you.

We are all painfully aware how few resources are available on the ground. Last night at an Organizing for America planning session at the IBEW Union Hall in Cheyenne, OFA's Bryon Lee outlined a 2012 election strategy that focused on seven crucial counties. I didn't ask him for the list but I know that Laramie County is on the list and neighboring Platte and Converse counties are not. Platte County has a particularly active group of Democrats. Their web site is worth checking out. Wheaterville does a great job of keeping track of wacky activities in Wheatland and Glendo and Guernsey. Natrona County Democrats are organizing to oust the most Tea Party-prone of their legislators which, unfortunately, is all of them.

But Bryon Lee is it as far as the OFA structure. His intern Hannah was assisting as last night's meeting in Cheyenne. The state party is directed by Bill Luckett and just added Dana Walton (sp?) as field director. Congratulations to Dana.

So those of us who have active county parties are in the minority. On the plus side, that leaves many opportunities to get involved. The Wyoming Democratic Party features a list of county party meetings and contact info. Once you volunteer, you may still be alone but you will be too busy to notice, what with canvassing and phone banks and leafletting at the county fair. You can always head down the road to Cheyenne and attend Super Day this Saturday and seek out the Laramie County Democrats' booth -- I'll be there signing up people for Obama in 2012. You can also attend the monthly meeting of Laramie County Democrats on Monday, June 27, 7:30 p.m. I will give a short talk on my experiences at Netroots Nation 11.

And you always know where I am on the web...

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