Defy the Hate Open Shoot, Frontier Days version, takes place July 27 at Atlas Theatre

Defy the Hate Open Shoot will be held on Wednesday, July 27, 1-5 p.m., at the Historic Atlas Theatre in downtown Cheyenne. Celebrate Cheyenne Day in a slightly different way by making a statement. First get shot, then go party. While at the Atlas, you can buy tickets for the Old-Fashioned Summer Melodrama.

Here’s info from Matthew Angelo:

It is that time of year for Cheyenne Frontier Days. So in honor of that, we need you to Cowboy Up and make a stand against bullying and hate, but with a western twist. That's right, break out the Wranglers, white t-shirt, and yes the cowboy hat (not a requirement). Let’s show the tourists who come to Cheyenne, that Wyoming won't sit back and let their kids be bullied or hated in any way. 

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