Putting Wyoming in charge of health insurance will work as well as putting Wyoming in charge of energy policy

From the New York Times:
The Obama administration will soon take over the review of health insurance rates in 10 states where it says state officials do not adequately regulate premiums for insurance sold to individuals or small businesses.
Wyoming, of course, is one of these states. Here's a quote on the subject from Sen. Dr. Barrasso:
Senator John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming, complained that federal officials were stripping states of the freedom to run their health insurance markets. 
“In Wyoming, state leaders have chosen to let the free market work,” Mr. Barrasso said, “ The president and his administration have no idea what is best for the people of Wyoming. The people of Wyoming know what works for our state better than any Washington bureaucrat.”
Imagine putting our Know Nothing, gubment-hating, Republican-dominated state legislature in charge of our health insurance choices? Sheer suicide. And Dr Barrasso knows this. Seems like he is suggesting assisted suicide for all Wyoming residents. More than suggesting it -- he's advocating it. Maybe this is better (with a nod to Rep. Alan Grayson during the Congressional health care debates): Hurry up and die, Wyomingites. Hurry up and die. 

FMI: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/26/health/policy/26health.html?_r=1&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=tha23

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