Call for submissions: Art Works poster contest

Sample poster from the Obama campaign
From a press release:
The Obama campaign is seeking poster submissions from artists and designers across the country to convey why we support President Obama's plan to create jobs now, and why we'll re-elect him to continue fighting for jobs for the next four years. You can make your poster about that broad theme, or focus on a specific aspect: why we've got to rebuild and modernize our roads and bridges, help veterans find work once they've returned home from service, support the small businesses that are the engine of our economy, make sure teachers can stay in their classrooms, and so on. The posters should include the words from one of the suggested slogans below or visually interpret the concepts they represent. 
The campaign will choose 12 finalists once the submission period closes on November 4, 2011, and then put the finalists to a vote. 
Finalists will be chosen based on the following criteria: 
· Adherence to stated theme: Why you support President Obama's plan to create jobs now and his re-election campaign to continue fighting for jobs for the next four years.
· Appropriateness of tone: Conveying determination and strength
· Creativity and aesthetics
· Quality of workmanship 
Three winners will get a framed print of their poster signed by President Obama and a limited edition of their poster will be sold in the campaign store with proceeds benefiting the campaign. 
· Deadline: November 4, 2011 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Submissions after November 4, 2011 will not be eligible.
· Poster designs should be 16” x 20”.
· Posters may be graphic, typographic, illustrated, collaged, or include photography taken by the designer.
· Posters must include the following URL:
· Posters can be produced by litho, digital, or silk-screen print.
· Posters must be viable for reproduction by digital printing.
· You hereby represent and warrant that all equipment, materials, and facilities used to produce your poster are owned by you and were not provided by a corporation, labor union, foreign national, or federal contractor. Any disposable materials purchased specifically to produce the poster will be treated as in-kind contributions to Obama for America.
· Each person may submit no more than five submissions.
· All submissions will become property of Obama for America.
· When you've finished your design, please upload a PDF or JPEG of finished poster for the site on (At least 380px x 480px, please.) Upload size cannot exceed 10 MB. Please also include the title of your poster, your name as you'd like it to appear, and a short paragraph about your poster. 
Suggested slogans: 
  • Fighting for jobs 
  • Get America back to work
  • Rebuilding America
  • Made in the USA
  • More jobs for veterans
  • Hire America's veterans
  • Support small businesses
  • Every child deserves a great school
  • More jobs for teachers
  • Put teachers back in the classroom where they belong
  • Tax cuts for the middle class
  • Support the middle class
  • Ask millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share
  • We believe in the American dream
  • Out-build, out-educate, out-innovate

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