Beginning on Equality Day, Republicans get to work promoting inequality in health care

Received this message from the Wyoming Democratic Party. It's all about addressing the fraud that is the Republicans' effort to repeal health care reform. These efforts are taking place in the U.S. House of Representatives and in our own state legislature. They are spurred on by Tea Party and corporate influence in the 2010 elections. You can see the Tea Party influence by the prominent display of "freedom" in the legislation. You can see the corporate influence in the fact that Republicans are always in the hip pockets of health conglomerates. They fought the Democratic Party's health care reform all the way. They had no ideas of their own. They were the party of no from 2008 to 2010. They are also the party of yes, as in always saying yes to their corporate overlords.

Get in the groove in opposing this chicanery. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing begins tomorrow, on the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday. In Wyoming, it is officially known as Equality Day. There is some irony in this. Starting tomorrow, Wyoming Republicans will be promoting a return to inequality in health care.

Here are some ways to start your opposition (from Brianna Jones at the WyoDems):

Two so-called "Health Care Freedom Acts" (SJ 02 and SJ 03) propose amending the Wyoming Constitution with language that is generally aimed at opposing implementation of the Affordable Care Act in Wyoming.  You can read the language and find out if one of your representatives is sponsoring the legislation by following the links above.

We need to make clear to the sponsors of these proposals that we do not want to take Wyoming backward.  We need to move forward!  

Below we have included some basic points you might find useful when discussing this legislation.  We are asking you to write the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee (listed below) and to also write letters to the editor about your opposition.  Finally, if you can, come to the hearing on Monday to show your support for constructive solutions to our country's health care crisis rather than divisive political posturing.

Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing
Monday, January 17th at 8:00 A.M.
Herschler Building, Room B63 in the basement

Email the Senate Judiciary Committee:
Sen. Drew Perkins (R-Casper)
Sen. Floyd Esquibel (D-Cheyenne)
Sen. Bruce Burns (R-Sheridan)
Sen. Leland Christensen (R-Jackson)
Sen. Larry Hicks (R-Baggs)

Talking Points:

  • Tell your personal story.  Has a member of your family lost coverage or been denied care?  Is your child now able to get on your insurance?  Can you now get prescriptions because the Medicare Part D donut hole is closed?  Do you own a small business and can now get tax credits to provide your employees with insurance? Are you pregnant and can receive care for a healthy pregnancy?...and many more scenarios.
  • So called "health care freedom" is not free.  A system needs to be in place where everyone can count on receiving the care they need and no one receives care at the expense of others.  
  • Instead of playing political games with our constitution we should be trying to learn what parts of health reform can help Wyoming citizens.
  • No one should have to worry about losing a loved one or losing their home because they cannot get insurance and cannot afford care.

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