Tamale and sauerkraut day at farmers' market

The Cheyenne Winter Farmers Market is the place for mushrooms and beans and sauerkraut and pasta and bread and ...

...just about everything edible. Including some tasty radishes from Meadow Maid in Yoder. Sara B offered me a bite and I accepted. She knows her edibles.

I discovered some local tamales today, and that's what we're having for dinner. From Esmeralda's Tamale House on 18th St. downtown. Also Pappardelle's Pasta from Pasta Pazza. Sweet potato Orzo. I've never had this type of Orzo and I am looking forward to it.

Why is any of this important? Eating locally is crucial. I'm not a purist by any means. But I think it's important to support local businesses, whether they be purveyors of food or art. They are my neighbors. Some are my friends. Others I don't know from Adam or Eve but I like what they do.

I was buying some gigantic Bavarian pretzels and a loaf of rye bread from Frank's Famous Kitchen when another customer asked for sauerkraut. "Sauerkraut?" my brain asked. Frank gave me a taste. I bought a pint container for three bucks. When I got home, I put the kraut on brats and watched football. Good stuff. The food, not the football. I switched over and watched an old John Wayne movie.

Eat local, folks.

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