Rep. Throne: Good speech, Gov. Mead, but what's your beef against health care reform?

Wyoming State Rep. Mary Throne wrote the Democratic Party response to Gov. Matt Mead's "State of the State" speech delivered today at the Capitol. Rep. Throne is one of the few Democrats still in the Legislature after the Nov. 2008 Election Wipeout. I walked a few neighborhoods for her back in 2006:

Cheyenne, WY – Senate Minority Floor Leader John Hastert and House Minority Whip Mary Throne released the following statement in response to Gov. Matt Mead’s first State of the State address:
“In Gov. Mead’s first State of the State address he outlined a number of critical priorities to the citizens of Wyoming.  He rightfully noted our vast resources from open spaces to mineral wealth to our citizens. 
Gov. Mead highlighted the need to support state and local governments, build our infrastructure, and strengthen our connectivity. We look forward to the specifics of Gov. Mead’s proposal to invest our dollars in Wyoming’s Main Street rather than Wall Street.  He spoke of streamlining state government and supporting state employees.  He indicated his support for Wyoming workers when he called for legislation that will grant Wyoming contractors preference.  These are all proposals we support.
It is essential that we continue discussing Wyoming education.  We must ensure that our children and their success is central. If policy proposals will not improve what goes on daily in the classroom they should not be made.  Our students deserve an excellent education and our teachers deserve the tools necessary to provide one.
We continue to oppose the unnecessary decision Gov. Mead made to join a lawsuit against the federal government for health care reform and oppose creating a litigation fund of $2 million of taxpayer funds.  This money would be better spent on providing care than paying lawyers.  The health care system fails our citizens every day and continues to worsen.  We must continue to look towards innovative solutions in Wyoming much like the 'Healthy Frontiers' program, while we take those pieces of federal legislation that will work for Wyoming.
We join the Governor in calling on the 61st Legislature to pay attention to those things that matter most and to have the courage and faith to make wise decisions.”

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