About Family Insurance

A family insurance is one that protects all members of the family to all the risks that can be seen posted in any circumstance. This is pretty generic insurance, offering coverage of various types of insurance at a time (life, health, etc.). Which makes it be the most comprehensive insurance market.

insurance Being so broad and generic, family insurance coverage varies depending on the insurer. Still, some of the most common coverages are:

Health care for the little ones.
Classroom training and psychoanalysis in case of school failure.
Criminal defense and legal assistance to members of the family.
Appeal of traffic fines.
Post-hospital assistance for the elderly.
 Hospitalization and treatment costs in travel, etc..

Entities that offer:

Mutua Madrilena
Santa Lucia, and so on.

Just as with other insurance is advisable to read it before signing the contract and be aware of payment of premiums.

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