Insurance Again

Sometimes our insurance is insufficient or ceases to be viable because of the high cost of bonus mutual termination of payment by insurance or even several disputes with the said company of insurance. It should be car insurance without a license  appropriate to tackle terminate his contract before getting one with a new insurance company reliable and satisfactory for many years. What risks to prepare in a breach of a contract of insurance for that matter, what should we do cancel the contract in the best conditsions?

What is the right time for the termination of his contract for not having problems? These are, broadly speaking, the questions you've got to ask and which we will try to answer in this article.
The tacit renewal, the first problem we encountered in stopping insurance

Recently, the insurance contracts were renewed automatically without the client receives no Avrett its insurer, the renewal was done by implication. The insured's interest to remember the anniversary of his time affiliation with the insurance company and that it should send a letter to the insurer in order to announce that this one stop hire the insurance undertaking in question with 60 days notice, otherwise lla cancellation of the insurance is not validated!

The renewal automatiqueétait longer a trap, not a help for sure, because clients of the insurance company is learning to drive  hard to remember the anniversary of their subscription now and so often ended up in spite of them committed by the famous extension automatic forced them to continue paying for protection they would have loved to contract as null and void. few moments, the legal texts or "how to change more easily insurer? "Had allowed the insured to enjoy certain rights to the systematic renewal of contracts with the insurance company. Currently, insurance companies have a duty to prevent their customers from several weeks and may from time before the contract period is over.

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