Expand bank loans or self-constructed

always postponed pending and throw task of painting the frieze and wall every day, or the old idea of ​​undertaking the construction of the apartment now inevitable in the plot of land or the roof, just received the legal and financial support Bolivarian Government.

Ministry of Popular Power for Housing and Habitat recently published in the Official Gazette the instructions to make loans for the expansion, remodeling and self-construction of the main dwelling, provided it is located on their own land and own the urban permits concerned.

for achieving this benefit for minimum interest rate variables, but acceptable and solidarity, is that the applicant, co-applicant or household, has not received credit for housing policy in the last five years and have income not exceeding amount equal to five minimum wages.

other basic requirements are: that the property is the applicant's own and it is up to date with the Mandatory Savings Fund for Housing, FAOV. However, in detail, the instruction expands the range of applicants and submitted that the loan amount can be ordered:

- A single applicant.

- Three co-applicants, in which case can be made by a community of spouses or partners.

- Three co-applicants single, widowed, divorced, members of a family relationship up to the fourth degree of consanguinity, ie second cousins ​​or great-grandchildren.

Hence, the issue provides for a larger loan, as if to expand or remodel, the rule states that the amount of credit will depend on the maximum indebtedness of the applicant and co-applicant.

exchange for the loan applicant or co guarantee the loan with the constitution of a first mortgage, but there also clarifies that if the family is a special situation, it may use the figure of a guarantor. < / p>

once obtained and signed the loan, the applicant or co-applicant may not transfer the property for three years. That is, you can not do anything that makes her appear on behalf of another person, for a change in ownership occur and the bank granting the loan would no longer have any warranty.

If your case is self, the standard calls for the land is itself endowed with the city permits, which may be obtained the maximum borrowing capacity of the applicant and up to 100% of property value. And for the same reasons as the remodeling may not alienate it for five years.

credits can be applied to commercial banks and the state. The instruction states that the banks have 10% of the monthly amount allocated for the provision of credit with funds from the Mandatory Savings Fund for Housing.

eye, should go into a default, the instruction provided that the applicant shall pay 2.44% per annum on the amount not canceled. Luck

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