Promote scholarships for students, adults and teachers in Arkansas

On Wednesday August 22 at the Capitol of Arkansas, gave a briefing on the various scholarships available for Arkansas students interested in completing high school or continue their education in institutions of higher education. 
opened the event the governor of Arkansas, Mike Beebe, before a large crowd, mostly Latinos, who came from all corners of the state. 

The event was sponsored by Marie Elena de Avila, coordinator of the Latino governor of Arkansas, and was the first in a series she is starting.
The following is a brief summary of the scholarships available to the Latino community to seriously consider insist that their young people to continue their studies taking advantage of these incentives.
Arkansas State Program for students of high academic achievement (Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship) This scholarship is awarded to low-income students with high scores on the ACT and good academic average. The deadline to apply is the first of June, when the student finishes "High School."

For more information visit the website The funds can be awarded up to $ 2,500.00 per year school. Scholarship Program of the Governor of Arkansas (Arkansas Governor's Scholars) These scholarships are for students in the last year of "High School" at least 27 points in the test called the ACT or a minimum of 1220 points in the test called the SAT or a GPA of at least 3.5. These scholarships are given to 75 students for their excellent academic standards and leadership. The funds are awarded can be up to $ 4,000.00 per school year. Scholarship Program Governor's Distinguished Student (Governor's Distinguished Scholarship) These scholarships are given to a maximum of 300 students who should have a minimum of 32 points in the examination called ACT or a minimum of 1410 points in the test called the SAT and have a minimum GPA of 3.5 or who have received the title of "National Merit Finalist" or "National Achievement Finalist." The deadline to apply is the first February last year of "High School."

For more information visit the website The funds can be awarded up to $ 10,000.00 per year. Scholarships for Higher Education (Higher Education Opportunities Grant) These Scholarships are provided to low-income students. Applicants can obtain up to $ 1,000.00 annually if they are registered in one of the educational institutions of higher learning approved by the state. These scholarships are available for these recent graduates of "High School" or its equivalent and who are registered at a university located in the state of Arkansas, applicants must demonstrate financial need and stay drug free. The deadlines for filing are the first of June for the Fall semester and the first of October for the Spring semester.

For more information visit the website For students "nontraditional" Grants from the Department of Arkansas Workforce Improvement Grant Arkansas Workforce Grants for college students with at least 24 years old and registered with a minimum 3 credits. The student must demonstrate financial need. Those interested in receiving this scholarship must complete the Free Application federal aid (FAFSA), scholarships are provided by the institution in which students are registered. The funds can be awarded up to $ 2,000.00 per school year. For Careers Area of Teaching Scholarships For Minority Teachers in Great Demand Air in the State of Arkansas (Arkansas Geographical Critical Needs Minority Teacher Scholarship) This program forgives loans received by college students from minority groups, that at least part-time students are and registered in a teaching career in public or private institution of higher education or "community colleges" duly accredited in your state of Arkansas. Students accepted into this program must agree to work as teachers in the Delta area or an area of Arkansas in which there is a high demand for minority teachers. The deadlines to apply are the first of June for the Fall semester and October 10th for the Spring semester.

For more information call the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Department of Education (870) 575-8261 or visit the website The funds can be awarded up to $ 1,500.00 per year. Program Help for Teachers Minority (Minority Teachers Scholars Program) This program forgives loans to full-time college students from minority groups, with a minimum of 60 credits are accepted in a program that allows them to obtain the title of professor and have a minimum GPA of 2.50. Applicants must agree to work as teachers in the state of Arkansas for five (5) years before your loan is completely forgiven. These five can be reduced to three years if the applicant is a director, teaches at one of 42 counties in the Delta area, or teach in the mathematics, science, foreign languages, or is teaching African-American male in an elementary school. The deadline to apply is the first of June each year. The funds can be awarded up to $ 5,000.00 per school year. Master Teacher Program Minority (Minority Masters Fellows Program) This program forgives student loans University of minority groups who will begin his master, or is in its fifth year of teaching the program "Aid for Minority Teachers."

Applicants must be full-time students for one school year or part-time for three semesters. Upon graduation, applicants must work full time as teachers for two years in a school or university located in Arkansas for your loan is completely forgiven. The deadline to apply is the first of June each year. The grant funds can be up to $ 7,500.00 for full time students and $ 2,500.00 for part-time students. State Aid Program for Teachers (State Teacher Assistance Resource Program STAR) This program forgives loans for college students who are starting their second or subsequent college years and who are registered or are attempting to register in a program that allows them to obtain the title of professor. Applicants must agree to work in a public school in Arkansas located in a geographic area and / or a subject in which there is a high demand for teachers. Those who are accepted into this program should work as teachers a year for each year they receive the loan.

The deadline to apply is the first of June each year. The funds are awarded can be up to $ 6,000.00 per school year . Teacher Opportunity Program (TOP Teacher Opportunity Program) This program provides loans to teachers who wish to receive a second certification in a subject considered in great demand by the Department of Education. The teacher applicant must be working as a teacher in a public school in Arkansas and must have been employed by the same school district for a minimum period of three years before applying. The Department of Higher Education to forgive the loan if the teacher receives the second certification within the first three years after receiving the first funds of this program and work as a teacher for three continuous years immediately after receiving the second certification.

For more information on this program contact the Department of Higher Education of the State of Arkansas and ask for the Incentive Program for a Dual Certification. Doctoral Fellowship Programme (SREB) (SREB Doctoral Scholars Program) This program forgives loans to students minority groups who wish to study a PhD in mathematics, science, engineering, foreign languages ​​or other subjects where there are very few people from minority groups nationwide with a PhD. For the loan is forgiven the applicant must work as a teacher in a school or university one year for each year that he received the loan.

For more information please visit the website or call (404) 875 -9211, ext 269. The funds are awarded can be up to $ 17,000.00 per year. Academic Common Market Program of the State of Arkansas (Arkansas Academic Common Market Program) plan to reduce tuition for students enrolled in universities outside of Arkansas studying a career that is not taught in the state of Arkansas. Call the Department of Higher Education Arkansas to the list of those races. The funds are awarded vary. Arkansas State Scholarship for Education in Health Air. Arkansas Health Education Grant Programs (ARHEG) Help duly registered students at universities accredited located outside the state of Arkansas, said students must be enrolled in medical fields related to health or a master's degree or other professional programs not offered in the state of Arkansas. Currently, this program helps students in the areas dental, chiropractic, optometry, osteopathy, pediatrics and veterinary medicine. The funds are awarded vary. Scholarships for a second effort (Second Effort Scholarhip) These scholarships are provided annually to ten outstanding students in the test called "GED." The department of higher education in Arkansas contact directly to selected students. The funds can be awarded up to $ 1,000.00 per school year.

For more information about these scholarships, contact the Department of Higher Education Arkansas State (Arkansas Department of Higher Education) at 114 East Capitol, Little Rock, AR 72201, phone 501-371-2000

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