A car insurance is a contract with an insurance company are covered by which the risks created by driving a car in case of accidents.
All owners of vehicles, whether cars or bikes are required to have insurance car , even in its basic form.
Car insurance schemes:
- Compulsory insurance (SOA): covers the liability of the driver of the car in front of others, but not personal or material damage to the driver or the car gets them. In some cases, the compensation for the third party or impaired capital exceeds the limits for compulsory motor insurance . In this case, the driver responsible is he who, with their heritage, must cope with the excess of compensation awarded.
- Voluntary Insurance : insurance is liability coverage that extends compulsory insurance indemnity. Therefore serves to cover the damages that exceed the limit of liability compulsory subscription.
- Third Party Insurance: Insurance is a scalable, which includes compulsory insurance, the volunteer, as well as travel assistance, legal and safe driver .
- Full insurance, is insurance that, besides covering damage to third parties in case of accident, also covers own damage.Depending on the company, this type of insurance includes supplements such as mechanical assistance, coverage for loss of points, etc.. (This insurance does not apply to motorcycles).
Supplementary insurance:All insurance, especially the compulsory and voluntary, can be extended with certain supplements that although they increase the price of insurance, drivers also cover certain situations not so rare.
Some of the accessories with which insurance can be extended are:
- Theft: Coverage against vehicle theft or theft of any object inside. Excluded in the theft: Theft by negligence of the insured (leave the keys), subtraction of accomplices of the family of the insured to the third degree of consanguinity or employees of them.
- Fire: coverage against damage to the vehicle in case of loss of fire as long as no fault of a third.
- Moons: coverage in case of breakage of the moons of the car. The insurance takes care of the replacement value of the new moon and labor costs.
What role do you set the price premium?
The price of the premium, ie the price of insurance is established based on several factors such as sex, age, marital status, driving record The place where the vehicle is garaged, brand and model of car, miles are made each year, and so on.
The premiums vary and are updated based on data statistics of accidents, the cost of severance injuries, health care, expenditure on repair labor, parts to replace and everything that might influence the risk.
Given these statistics, usually younger must cope with a larger share than those who have more years behind meat (young people are statistically more reckless driving).
On the other hand, women tend to enjoy lower prices than men, because they are considered drivers with a good record.
When you choose an insurance ...
is essential to ensure the type of compensation you receive in the event of total loss . That is, there is to see whether compensation should take account of the value to new (ie, replacement) or if it's because the market value (the value of a car of the same features in the market for used).
You can that if the car is new, insurance pay more interest but to enjoy a new compensation value, not market value.
Please note ...
- Insurance is not responsible for those accessories that do not come from the factory, if they are not included in the general conditions of the policy.
- The special crystals and moon on the roof of a vehicle usually not, a priori, included in the policies. We will have to notify the company if they want to insure.
- Before signing please read this entire policy carefully and understand it.
- It is essential to carry the policy along with other vehicle documents.
source: segurosmagazine
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