Why does Wyoming Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill hate her permanent employees?
Probably because she can't fire them every time her little heart desires.
Hill had some juicy quotes in yesterday's Casper Star-Tribune story, "Wyo. Gov. Mead: At-will employment should be consistent."
“I have SOME permanent employees who are very personally committed and find ALL at-will employees are personally committed to their work,” Hill said.
I have capitalized "some" and "all." I am a permanent state employee. If I saw my agency director saying that only SOME of her employees were "personally committed," I would ponder several things:
1. Thank God that there are laws that protect me from Tea Party extremists such as Cindy Hill.
2. Why do Republicans hate the people who actually do the work?
3. This person is in charge of our public schools?
4. What is my union’s (Wyoming Public Employees Association) position in this tug-of-war between its members and Hill?
Cindy Hill is part of the Republican bid to privatize everything. As we've seen in Wisconsin and Ohio and Florida, Republicans governors and their lackeys are trying to undo every gain made by employees since The Great Depression.
One has to wonder how Wyoming will find and keep “personally committed” employees when right-wing extremists such as Hill are calling the shots.
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