Wyoming's first openly gay state lawmaker wows them at Denver gathering

WY Rep. Cathy Connolly (D-Laramie)
Ana's Political Page alerted me to this Denver Post story about one of Wyoming Fighting 14 Democrats:
Wyoming’s first openly gay state lawmaker wowed ‘em this weekend at The White House Project’s Go Run dinner in Denver, where more than 100 women attended a two-day political training seminar. 
State. Rep. Cathy Connolly is one of only 14 Democrats in the 90-member body, and the number of women isn’t much better. In contrast, Colorado has the highest percentage of women serving in the state legislature and Democrats control the Senate. 
When Connolly said she is the lone female on the joint education committee, the crowd murmured. The same when she said Wyoming doesn’t have state-funded preschool.

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