Many Insurance Ask Black Boxes in Vehicles

What would be the black boxes for cars is available on the market under the brand name Car Angel and has to sell the company Naical , specializing in electronic products for automotive, home and leisure.

The idea is basically the same as in aircraft black boxes , record all the information possible in the moments before an accident, so it can be used later in the clarification of the facts .

So far there are few cars that include such innovations, mainly because their usefulness is relative, because there is no approval in this regard and its validity as a test case to reach trial depends on each case and each judge.

Technically there have been some experimental models of cars keeping basic data such as speed and position of the pedals on a small card inserted into the mats, which also happens to be more resistant to damage from an accident themselves.

The Angel Car BBX1 or BBX2 , which is the name of the model is actually more like a GPS with VGA-quality video camera and some extra features.

Including systems to store the position coordinates on the map and the routes taken (consistent with Google Maps ) and also includes features of tachograph to know when you've been driving or relaxing - something important among professional drivers.

All data is password protected to ensure privacy of the owner but the device can be used to check if drivers follow the traffic rules

Installation is simple because it is in the top of the windshield in the position of the rear-view mirror.

In terms of its operation, besides going storing basic data about traffic route, position and speed, the camera is activated when it detects a sudden movement in the vehicle such as a slowdown or a crash, thanks to a built-in accelerometer .

The data is in a high-capacity internal memory, which allows you to save long periods of time, and also copied to an SD memory card standard for safety.

Apart from some private drivers want to install this device in their vehicle, are the biggest advantages for companies that manage fleets and drivers on those who may have responsibility: Car rental companies, fleets of taxis, trucks, buses, logistics ...

The data collected by the device can be used in case of problems as further evidence to determine what happened in case of accidents, although most also have other uses such as optimizing daily routes or check the skill of drivers and enforcement of standards circulation.

Source: RTVE .

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